Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Writings on the Wall

Stickers and Signs:
- Bloated Pig
- Dead chicks don't say no
- This is not a coffee shop.
   Please feel free to check out one of the below businesses ---->Starbucks
- Alcoholic White Trash
- Beaumonts
- You just can't fix stupid
- Prices subject to change according to customers attitude
- Royal Reserve
- I heart Alberta Pussy
- Mesrine
- I love my hooker
- Down
- *No Bullshit* symbol
- To all that doubt me...Fuck You

Men's Bathroom Graffiti:
- Misery is the river of the world, Everybody row
- Mike was here
------> Mike's a fag
- The devil created the world while god was sleeping
- History was written by men who hung heroes
------> History was written by hung men
------> History was written by hungover men. Shit happens
- Cuz baby i got nothin and i'm gonna give it all to you
- Suicide crew - k-os five
- You enemy's enemy is your best friend
- This world is too crowded
- If people do good at all we are given reason for hope
-------> hope is the greatest of all evils
- White trash adventures
- There is no way out, the only way out is to give in
- Jesus fuck stza, i hate the US gov't and everything it stands for
- I've been dragging a bitch called hope
-------> me too
- Blood for fucking blood
- Death 2 false metal
- Here's to afew, we the cursed
- You are what you simulate, be careful what you pretend
- Sometimes reality grabs me and drags me down like a gazelle in a discovery channel special
-------> yeah me too, life sucks get a helmet
- Slayer
- This bathroom stinks :(
- Juice was here
- I have nothing cool to say
- There is over 1 billion cops in the world. Jesus fuck, that's alot of pigs.
- All of us are living in a ditch, some of us choose to look at the stars
- God help me before i help myself
- Love is like an onion, peeling it away layer by layer til there's nothing left but tears
- The devil is my bitch
- Until the bitter end
- The last days has begun
- Some men fight for their rights
some men fight to be free
but a whiskey glass
and a womans ass
will be the death of me
- Grime is not a band

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